Friday, March 09, 2007


seems like people don't like to read articles in english, there are so few comments...

anyways, things've been well these days. the human subjects approval for my thesis experiment has arrived, i can officially get the money and start my experiment now. but there are still some technical difficulties that need to be fixed.

machine shop work has been fun, though i cut myself a couple times besides cutting aluminum. our rock crusher is expected to exert 25000N force when a person weighs 60kg steps on it. and we think this will break the all time record of rock crusher projects, haha

i've finished the conceptual design of my knitting chair, looks pretty good in drawings. need to make a 3d model of it to see if it actually works. i have 6 weeks after spring break to actually fabricate the whole chair, hopefully it's enough time.

squash is really fun, tough tiring. can't get enough power on forehand shots, which really bothers me. should practice more.


sky said...

cut youself?

Anonymous said...

all in Eng! how can i add comment ah~>_<~


vincent said...

to sky, minor cuts on fingers, no big deal
to cai, you can use "other" when you are posting a comment, and also, you can post chinese comment too, lol

Anonymous said...

knitting chair~@@~how are you supposed to know how to knit~@@~you should design a sofa for me lar~@@~