Thursday, March 01, 2007


just bought a squash racquet online, head liquid metal 140g, about 80 bucks, feeling great! i have been taking a squash class this semester, fell in love with the game.first of all, it's an indoor game, which makes it can be played even it's snowing crazy outside like the winter here in ithaca. second of all, it's a relatively small court and since i'm old, it's easier to run around a smaller court. and third, hitting the ball really hard, or i should say, smashing the ball is really fun and feels really good.

though our instructors (one freshman and one sophomore, who is also called vincent, whose last name is also wang, who also comes from guangzhou... talk about coincident!) told us that if we played tennis or racquetball before, we should definitely forget all about them because squash is a very different game from them, which involves very different swings and game strategies, i still found my experience with tennis is helpful to my game, cause at least i can hit the ball alright! so even though my swings are too big, which can be fairly dangerous to my opponent, i think i'm quite good at the game as a beginner who only played the sports for less than 10 hours. xixi =P

oh, forgot to mention, alan, my thesis adviser, also plays squash, and a couple of my friends play it too, so it would be really fun to play with them and hang out. you know, socializing is always important.


Anonymous said...

your swings are supposed to be "massive", or "fierce", instead of "big"~lol~

so, you socialize...cute little fella~

veivei said...


veivei said...
