Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm feeling you

好久没贴歌啦, Michelle Branch, 背着吉他的创作女生,两张专辑的每一首歌都有参与创作,超有才华,连拉丁吉他天王santana都特意找她合作了两首歌,下面就是其中一首 i'm feeling you.
最最最强烈推荐michelle的第一张专辑spirit room,每一首歌都超喜欢: everywhere, all you wanted, you set me free, i'd rather be in love, goodbye to you, you get me, sweet

Michelle Branch

i'm feeling you
santana ft. michelle branch

Sometimes I imagine the world without you
But most time I'm just so happy that I ever found you
Its a complicated web
That you weave inside my head
So much pleasure with such pain
We always always stay the same

I'm feeling the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the knick of time
I'm riding the highs I'm digging the lows
Cuz at least I feel alive
I never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good I'm feeling you
I'm feeling you

You go and then I can finally breath in
Cuz baby I know in the end you're never leaving
Well we rarely ever sane
I drive you crazy and you do the same
But your fire fills my soul
And it warms me up like no one knows

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