Friday, February 03, 2006

Dancing Mind

连续两个学期上了两门关于创造性思维的课,"making adifference by design", "dancing mind: creative problem solving"虽然课的load都很重,而且对于我这样长期被中国应试教育训练出来的人,很多作业都会感觉无从下手;然而在做了很多阅读,很多训练以后,我发现从另外一个角度看我们的世界,会很有趣很好玩的.举两个excercise的小例子:

"Learning to see"

Creative Problem-solving is a process that begins with vision and ends with reason. Creative vision searches beyond the obious, beyond the surface of common existence to discover hidden potential - in people, materials, objects and strategy.

Project: Create a VISUAL ALPHABET based on FOUND OBJECTS.

- "Found" is the operative word. Not positioned, not stylized, not
reworked, not manipulated. Here are a few examples, hope you can
find your own alphabet set =)

"Mind Mapping"

A mind map is illustrated in the following figure. The main idea is written in the center, relative branches clearly branch out. Each brach braches into severl more braches with lower order of
importance or catergory. Mind mapping can be used for note taking, scheduling, conceptual idea developing. In my opinion, it is best for conceptual idea developing. But you can try for note taking and scheduling, maybe you would like it! =)

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