实在忍不住,要说说grey's anatomy...从第二季开始看的,从mininova下了第一季以后忍不住一个通宵看完,第二天早上还有quiz,但是没办法,太喜欢了!
特别喜欢meredith的声音,每集开始和结束时的话,关于生活,工作,爱情,resonate a lot.有时间一集一集拔下来贴出来~~ meredith很不幸的被caught在derek的婚姻危机中,though adison cheated on derek first, but meredith is still a mistress, derek need to choose from his wife and meredith. and�there, meredith�actually said "pick me, choose me, love ME", which made me feel really sad when i watched it. she tried so hard, and i really think she deserve him, his love. when he showed up at joe's, i was so happy... but the god damn story went the other way... anyway, what bailey said to shepherd really hit me, here's the quote:
shepherd: god, why does this have to be so hard?
bailey: it's not hard. it's painful but it's not hard. you know what to do already, if you didn't you wouldn't be so much pain.
pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on itsown, hope the wound that caused it, heals. there are no solutions,no easy answers, you just breath deep, and wait for it to subside.
most of the time, pain can be managed, but sometimes, the pain gets you when you least expected, hits way below the belt, and doesn't light up
pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is, you can't out run it, and life always makes more.